Assignment Overview

This course uses the book: Head First HTML and CSS (2nd edition) by Elizabeth Robson and Erik Freeman. The course is broken down in approximately the same layout as the book, and you should complete a chapter a week for the first 14 weeks.

For each chapter in the book, you should complete the exercises and create the HTML, CSS, and files described within the chapter. You then customize those files with your own original text and images prior to turning them in. So, for example, in the first chapter you will create two files: a mission file and an index file. Create them as the book describes, and then take those files and make your own version with your own text. You then submit your customized version for grading. The description of each assignment will tell you which files to submit.

The first few assignments, you'll submit only the files only through Blackboard. As the semester progresses, you'll also start uploading the files to the HostGator site that will be provided to you. Doing so makes your files available on the Internet.

The description of each assignment also provides examples of the files that you will turn in and links to helpful information about the topic for the week.

The following topics will be covered in this course: