Project 2—Due 11/29

For project 2, duplicate the format and content of the website shown in the attached screenshot by using HTML and a CSS stylesheet. Pay careful attention to the spacing and layout of the page.

Ensure that your resulting web page looks as close as possible to the screenshot.

The text and images used within the sample are attached in the table below.


Ensure that you add pseudo-classes so that the color of the background or text changes for visited links, unvisited links, and hovering over the text, as shown in the following figures:

Hovering over a menu option

Formats of links within the main section

Source files:

File type File link
Image files used within web page


Text file with raw text project2_text
Wireframe of web page project2_wireframe
Links to create within the content of your web page

British Museum -
Wimbledon -
Thames -
London Eye -
Tube -

Screenshot of web page project2_screenshot

Note: You can right-click the link to each file and click Save Link As to save the file to your local machine.

Turning the project in:

  1. Create a folder named yourName_Project2.
  2. Place your HTML, CSS, and image files within that folder.
  3. Post the folder to your website.
  4. Zip the yourName_Project2 folder and name it Upload the zip file to the Projects area within Blackboard. Include a comment in the Project page that links to the URL of your project.