Grading Policy

Students are graded based on participation in discussion groups, assignments taken from the text book, and projects that demonstrate mastery of the materials. This section describes the different assignments and how points are distributed.

Grade Points

The following table shows the total points for the course.

Assignment Points Total
Attendence/Participation 100 100
Exercise (10) 20 ea 200
Quizzes (2) 50 ea 100
Project 1 300 300
Project 2 300 300
Total   1000

Letter grades are as follows:

Points Grade
>900 A
800-899 B
700-799 C
<700 F

Description of Assignments

Attendance and participation (10%)

In lieu of face-to-face classroom sessions, participation is based on the quality and quantity of your constructive participation in the Discussion Board on Blackboard. Check Announcements and the Discussion Board at least once a week, preferably at the beginning of the week. To receive the full credit for participation, the student should make at least 10 posts to the Discussion group. If you have any questions and comments about the course design, Blackboard layout, or other course-related concerns not related to the assigned work, please send to me by email through Blackboard.

Exercises (20%)

The exercises demonstrate mastery of the material covered by the reading.

Quizzes (10%)

There will be two short quizzes for some of the required readings.The quizzes will be conducted through Blackboard.

Project 1 (30%)

The XML Cookbook. This project demonstrates the mastery of the material covered by the reading and lectures for the first half of the semester. (Completed project is due before Spring Break. The deadline for an optional pre-submission review is two weeks before Spring Break.). See Project 1 for more information.

Project 2 (30%)

A DITA book. This project demonstrates the mastery of the material covered by the reading and lectures for the second half of the semester. (Completed project is due before midnight, May 4. The deadline for an optional pre-submission review is April 24.) See Project 2 for more information..

Late Policy

The exercises and projects in this class build upon the previous assignments, so it is extremely important for students to keep up with the schedule and not fall behind. Because emergencies can happen in life, a student can turn in one assignment during the semester up to three days late with no penalty if the student communicates with the instructor in advance of the due date. The highest possible grade for any other late assignment will be a 70% if turned in within 3 days after the due date. No credit will be given for assignments turned in more than three days late. The final project cannot be turned late.